APRIL 2024
1. What type of information do we collect about you and why do we need it?
We directly collect information from you when you use the Call It Out First Nations Racism Register (Call It Out) mobile app, web app and by completing and sending us the print, digital and Easy Read forms available for download on our website. This information is collected to help us understand and take action against racism and discrimination towards First Nations people in the community.
At the start of each report, we ask for your name and email or phone number to verify that you are a person and are genuinely making a report to Call It Out, but your personal details are held securely, kept confidential and never shared with anyone. We also ask you for this information so that we can contact you about your experience if you consent for us to do so (we ask you for this consent at the end of the question form). If you do not provide us with your name and contact information, we may be unable to use your report in research and publications to help raise awareness about racism and drive systematic change.
We also collect information about you by asking you questions about your experiences of racism and discrimination. We have carefully worded the questions to avoid identification of anyone involved (including perpetrators and/or witnesses), and we ask that you avoid providing personal information about other people.
Call It Out aims to collect information about, and take action in relation to, racism towards First Nations people in Australia. We are seeking information from individuals in Australia about incidents that have occurred in Australia. Call It Out does not target individuals located outside Australia.
2. The Call It Out app (mobile app and web app)
The Call It Out app does not collect, share or have access to any of your phone data (this includes contacts, location settings, files or photo/video gallery). It does not collect, share or have access to the personal information on your phone. This is separate from any information provided by you within the app (see below and “1. What type of information do we collect about you and why do we need it?” above).
The Call It Out app does not use cookies or other tracking technologies.
The Call It Out app saves your responses as you go. This means that once the required (mandatory) questions are completed, the form will save automatically to the Call It Out report database.
If you sign up and are logged in, your key details are saved to make reporting faster and easier. Your user profile can be updated or removed by you at any time in the app. Removing your profile will remove your saved details and finished reports from the app.
To permanently delete your profile or reports from our database, please contact us at info@callitout.com.au or on (02) 9514 4454.
When using the mobile app, if you wish to upload supporting documents (e.g. files, screenshots, photos, videos) to your report, you may need to allow Call It Out to access your camera, photos or files (add photos/files only). If you wish to use the record audio function, you may need to allow Call It Out to access your microphone. You can update your permissions at any time via your phone settings.
Audio recordings will be transcribed by our researchers. Supporting documents may be referred to for additional context in relation to your report. All audio recordings, transcriptions and supporting documents are subject to the same privacy and confidentiality controls outlined in this Privacy Policy).
3. Who are we and how will we use your information?
Call It Out is led by the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research (Jumbunna Research), in partnership with the National Justice Project (NJP) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Jumbunna Research is the leading Indigenous research institution based at UTS. NJP is a legal service and civil rights organisation co-located with Jumbunna Research.
Your information is held securely by Jumbunna Research and only our researchers and the project team will have access to your information.
Information is collected and held in confidence to be used on an anonymous basis within published research, materials and reporting of racism. No individual will ever be identified, and all reports are private and confidential.
We will use non-identifying information that you provide in your report to build an evidence-base to report on racism and its impacts, inform continued anti-racism action, support the response of First Nations organisations and leaders, raise awareness and educate the wider community, and to drive systemic change.
We may do this by publishing or referring to experiences reported to Call It Out in annual reports, statistical reporting and research, publications, on the Jumbunna Research or NJP websites, social media accounts and subscriber emails, at speaking at events, in public advocacy including engaging with the media, media releases and supporter updates.
4. How will we store your information?
The individual reports and all personal information are collected, held securely and controlled by Jumbunna Research. Only our researchers and the project team will have access to your information.
Our researchers are bound by confidentiality obligations in dealing with your information. Your information will be securely stored on databases that are password protected and with strict access controls. The data collected by Call It Out is currently stored on Cloud Firestore servers in Sydney, Australia.
All identifying personal information is separated and protected as a first step. Your name and email address or phone number will not be stored with the information about your experience that you report to Call It Out.
We will securely hold all other non-identifying information in your report for ongoing research purposes, such as those in the public interest and for historical research purposes.
5. Will we share your information with anyone else?
We want Call It Out to be genuinely beneficial to community organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and we respect Indigenous Data Sovereignty.
If other community advocates or organisations request information collected from Call It Out, we will determine on a case-by-case basis whether it is appropriate to share information with them – depending on who they are and how and what they want to use the data for.
This is separate from any information already publicly available in published reports (see “3. Who are we and how will we use your information?” above).
If we do share any information with third parties, it will never include your personal information and any details in your report that could potentially identify you or anyone else will be carefully removed from the data prior to sharing. For example, we always remove place names, organisation names and characteristics of any individuals in the report to avoid identifying them.
6. Will anyone ever know that the information shared in your report is about you?
Your name and email address or phone number will not be stored with the information about your experience that you report to Call It Out. Only our researchers and the project team will be able to see your contact details (and subject to strict controls – see “4. How will we store your information?” above).
Any findings that we publish or report on from your experience will include only general information about the incident, with details such as names, places, organisations and individual characteristics removed.
7. How long will we keep your information for?
Once we have verified the information relating to your report, we do not keep any identifiable information about you in the Call It Out database after 18 months from the date that the Annual Report for that reporting period has been published, unless you have consented to being contacted by us. We will securely hold all other non-identifying information in your report for ongoing research purposes, such as those in the public interest and for historical research purposes.
8. What rights do you have over your information?
Your right to control the information about you is important to us. You can ask us to access, correct or permanently remove the information that we hold about you or that you have shared in Call It Out by contacting us at at info@callitout.com.au or (02) 9514 4454. (For more information, see “7. How long will we keep you information for?” above and “9. Who can you contact if you have any questions about how we are using your information?” below).
9. Who can you contact if you have any questions about how we are using your information?
Call It Out – Jumbunna Institute for Education and Research UTS
Phone: (02) 9514 4454
Email: info@callitout.com.au
Jumbunna Research – Call It Out
PO Box 123
Gadigal Country Broadway NSW 2007
You can also contact Jumbunna Research at any time if you change your mind about any information you have provided to Call It Out or if you are no longer comfortable with us contacting you.
10. Where can I report feedback or complaints?
If you have any feedback or wish to make a complaint, please contact us in the first instance at:
Call It Out – Jumbunna Institute for Education and Research UTS
Phone: (02) 9514 4454
Email: info@callitout.com.au
Jumbunna Research – Call It Out
PO Box 123
Gadigal Country Broadway NSW 2007
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact:
Information and Privacy Commission of NSW
Phone: 1800 472 679
Email: ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au
Address: Level 15, McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place, Haymarket NSW 2000
Information and Privacy Commission of NSW
GPO Box 7011
Gadigal Country Sydney NSW 2001